Location Map

Nearby Places

Primary Schools

  1. River Valley Primary School (1.3 km)
  2. Anglo-Chinese School (Junior) (1.49 km)
  3. JE Educational College (1.71 km)
  4. Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) (1.86 km)
  5. St. Joseph's Institution Junior (2.37 km)

Secondary Schools

  1. JE Educational College (1.71 km)
  2. Crescent Girls' School (1.74 km)
  3. ACS (Barker Road) (1.94 km)
  4. Singapore Chinese Girls' School (2 km)
  5. Outram Secondary School (2.05 km)

MRT Stations

  1. Orchard (TE14) (0.26 km)
  2. Orchard MRT station (0.32 km)
  3. Orchard Boulevard (TE13) (0.63 km)
  4. Somerset MRT station (1.12 km)
  5. Napier (TE12) (1.13 km)

Nearest Hospitals & Clinics

  1. Fusion Medical & Health Screening Centre (0.23 km)
  2. Forum Medical Clinic (0.32 km)
  3. Ensoul Medical Clinic (0.35 km)
  4. ReinHealth Pte Ltd (Health Screening) (0.36 km)
  5. AsiaMedic Limited (0.36 km)

Parks & Recreation

  1. Istana Park (1.66 km)
  2. Alexandra Park Connector (1.8 km)
  3. Tiong Bahru Park (1.85 km)
  4. Singapore Botanic Gardens (1.91 km)
  5. Singapore Botanic Gardens Gallop Extension (2.14 km)


  1. Cold Storage Orchard Hotel (0.49 km)
  2. Cold Storage Takashimaya (0.57 km)
  3. Paragon Market Place (0.72 km)
  4. Cold Storage @ Plaza Singapura (1.75 km)
  5. FairPrice Finest Artra (2.03 km)

Is TwentyOne Angullia Park Location Really Good?

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